Saturday, August 24, 2013

Samaki Mtu

In an effort to lighten the mood from last week's super-serious post, today's will just be short and sweet.

I finished up at school for this year on Thursday and was gifted with this drawing from my little boyfriend, Ema.

It's a samaki mtu or "fish person," directly translated.  I'm not sure if there's a real word for mermaid in Swahili, but samaki mtu makes sense enough, I guess.  And I love that it reflects the whimsy and imagination of childhood.  Anyway, like the proud mama I am, I hung it up on the fridge and it makes me happy to think that I'll be greeted by my fish person when I return to Tanzania at the end of the year.

In the meantime, I've left the case of the little girl in the hands of Vumi, Baba Ngowi, and the headmaster at Msaranga Primary School.  I've been told they are going to go to the village authorities after talking to the child's grandparents.  Hopefully, they will also engage Godfrey's services as social worker because she is deeply in need of counseling.  Baba and Vumi have promised to give me updates via email and I'll share what transpires here on the blog.
My next post will come at you from good old New York City, so until then, kwa heri to my readers, to my Tanzanian friends, and to life in the Tee-Zed.  It's time to go home!!

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