Sunday, January 20, 2013

Missionary Position

Heeheehee....okay, forgive my childish pun for the title of this blog entry, but come on, we're all adults here, and if we can't have a little fun with words, then what kind of world are we living in??

Anyhoo, all I'm trying to say is that I recently received an email from the office of Ambassador Tuvako Nathaniel Manongi, Permanent Representative of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations.  I had met with him in New York a couple of weeks before I left for Tanzania to explain Toa Nafasi to him and try to get the Mission's support.  I guess it worked out because this is what I got in response to my note of thanks after the meeting: 

On behalf of Ambassador Manongi, I wish to thank you so much for your email.  I am pleased to learn about The Toa Nafasi Project.  I have read the background information you sent me about the Project.  The Mission supports its goals and mission statement.  We believe that The Toa Nafasi Project is a good and relevant initiative to help children with special needs excelling in their education.

We commend you for your dedicated efforts for making this Project happenWe hope The Toa Nafasi Project will complement efforts of the Government of Tanzania in making sure every child receives primary education.  Kindly let us know how can the Mission contribute to a successful implementation of The Toa Nafasi Project.

Kind regards,

Ellen Kija Maduhu,
Second Secretary at the Permanent Mission of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations

So all you freaks out there - don't knock missionary!!  It can end up being pretty rewarding!!

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